1382 visitors & 59 customers from 1 guest post

August 13, 2019

(SEO SaaS) at the end of 2018 and have ramped up to $25k MRR in just a matter of months…


This posts explains…

I didn’t trust my parents until I was 15 and still don’t trust my puppy and we’ve had her for almost a year…

(She’s called Bear)

In all seriousness, it’s hard to trust people on the internet, after all…

Which is why, in your early days (or any days), it’s incredibly important to build trust with your ideal customer persona.

And how do you do this when you’re starting out?

Leverage someone else’s trust.

Just like
did with this monster guest post he released on a high authority blog in the SEO niche:

really excites them (actionable case studies).

He then used his extensive
experience to share details of the case study that generated one of their clients $35k MRR from an affiliate site, ranked through expired domains.

The host promoted the post to their 50k
list, received extensive reach on social media and now even ranks for a relevant industry term:

Though perhaps the most powerful part of this guest post is the pre-frame written by the host at the start of the article:

^^ This kind of recommendation from an
guru with a massive, focused audience is priceless for a new SaaS looking to gain authority.

The trust that the host has built up with his audience over the past 13 years is immediately passed onto
, boosting traffic and conversions.

In fact, the post generated 217 comments, 1382 visitors, and 59 paid customers:

What did we learn?

Who’s authority can you piggyback on to boost trust to drive conversions?

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