3 lessons from 39.1k backlinks

June 28, 2019

letting business.

They now generate $375k in MRR and have been mentioned by some of the world's largest media publications...


This posts explains...

PR is not a reliable #saasmarketing.

You either need to know the right person or spend 3 months cold emailing, writing press releases and courting journalists... all for a spike of poor quality traffic that provides little value and skews your analytics.


You do it right.

Just like Scott:

has been able to pick up a cool 19.3k backlinks (including those 3 posts above) in their 5 years of existence:

Driving 33.1k monthly organic search volume:

But how?

1. Riding a wave

Whenever a big shift occurs in a market or industry, you bet there will be a boatload of people writing about it...

Not much help if already have a product, though you could pivot your messaging or content towards a theme that journalists are already covering.

2. Provide insights from original data

This is the big one...

and other property platforms to provide insight for its customers...

This is what they get paid for and invest all their time and profits doing.

So why not analyze, package up those insights and publish them for the whole world to see?

shares a wealth of insights originated from the data produced by their technology:

And if those insights are original and valuable enough... people will start talking about them.

Providing backlinks in the process.

3. Consistency

If you head over to the
has been consistently sharing insights from their data for the past 5 years:

Creating a single post and waiting for the press to come does not work... you need to consistently provide insights to have a chance of being picked up by the publications that matter.

What did we learn?

1. Try to connect your product, messaging or content to a wave
2. Publish insights from the data your SaaS collects
3. Be consistent

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