4 Simple Steps To SaaS SEO Glory

November 4, 2020

Alright team... it's time for the update.

So what's been happening over the last two weeks?

By the way, probably the fastest way to get REAL followers for your Linkedin page is to simply post a job on Linkedin.

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Let's get to it…

The more time I spent in SaaS Marketing the more I am witnessing the POWER of SEO packages.

In a previous email I shared
, in this email we dig into just one of these...

The post well know and popular: Blog SEO.

Now you can go out and spend 000's on courses/consultants here, but it's actually very simple. I share the four rules of Blog SEO below:

When you drive to the super market, you make sure you have the right one in Google Maps, if you don't you won't get the right type of bread.

Spend time upfront to understand the perfect keywords for your niche:

(podcast hosting for marketers by marketers) these categories are:

You then add your chosen keywords into the right category... you then tailor the type of content needed by each level.

This is the hardest of them all. You can mess up the other three rules and get this one right and you will still rank for something!

It's called the Skyscraper Technique but reality it just this: find who is ranking, read their post... and make yours better.

If you need to write it, then write it. If you need to hire a better writer, then cut your Google Ads spend and hire a better writer.

Only you know how to make your
better for your niche... so do it.

Aside from good content, the other thing you need is links.

They need to be to a variety of different pages on your site from a variety of different websites.

Fortunately if you get #2 right, you will get links.

Aside from that, the fastest way to get links from people in your niche is to simply build out a list of the top 50 podcasts in your niche, decide on the value you can add to their audience and then PITCH them hard.

If you're not getting booked then simply offer to throw in some ad spend to promote the episode on Facebook/Linkedin.

This is the big one.

You just have to stay in the game longer than everyone else. Just like love, friendships and investing... the benefits always accrue over the long term.

Google gives your domain more authority the longer you published regular content.

I'm not talking three months, six months or even twelve months... I'm talking three to five years.

It may be a long time, but trust me, it will be worth it.

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