Amazon's SaaS copywriting

July 18, 2019

didn't exist.

It's now the most successful cloud infrastructure company on the planet with a $10bn annual run rate.


This posts explains...

If I could teach just one thing to my non-existent child about SaaS copywriting, it would be this:

People buy with emotion and rationalize with logic

You don’t buy AWS for the price…

You buy AWS because you’re a “Builder”.

What’s going on here?

I’m not sure if you’ve ever worked with a developer… but if there is one thing they like more than coffee, it’s banging’ out some sweet code.

My developer friends tell me that there is nothing better than committing a large chunk on GitHub, watching it load and then getting great feedback from users.

Typically introverted, the developer prefers to do the work, then talk about the work.

And AWS encapsulate this in their ad copy: “builders build”.

This allows each developer that consumes the ad to self-select with this aspirational identity… to
like they belong.

And when the deciding vote on which infrastructure provider to use comes around they may justify their vote for AWS with price, but it’s that feeling of belonging that raises their hand.

(Remember when SaaS copywriting: people buy with emotion and rationalize with logic)

As if that wasn’t powerful enough…

increase the potency of this copy by evoking the power of the “common enemy”.

Countries do this best.

The list goes on…

The simple rule is… a
(or country) can only be strong if there are people that are “not us” if everyone was “us” the community (or country) wouldn’t exist.

Every developer has sat in a meeting where either the CEO, non-technical product person or the head of sales rants about what they need to build.

In their head they’re saying:

“Ok sure, you keep talking, but it doesn’t really make a difference as I’m the Builder that’s going to make this”

has allowed its target audience to self-select with their aspirational identity (the Builder), it brings them closer to each other (and AWS) by calling out their common enemy (the Talkers).

What did we learn?

What is the aspirational identity of your perfect customer and who is your common enemy?

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