Coffee shop theory

July 15, 2019


He has now bootstrapped to 5,000 users and $500 per month in MRR.


This posts explains…

This coffee shop was very strange.

You would walk in… instead of the coffee bar and barista’s segregated up against one wall, they were in the middle of the room.

Baristas, pastries, coffee machines all on this island in the middle of the restaurant.


Admittedly this is not great for health and safety… but it did create a more communal environment.

No “Us Vs Them” vibe. We were all in this together.

I sat down with my two friends and ordered multiple high priced coffees and almond croissants, we sat there for 90 minutes.

Now if coffee shop convention said that you had to queue up outside and hand over a small payment before coming, it’s unlikely we would have invested $24.61 in this establishment.

So why does your SaaS product do the same?


You enter your
address and URL then after 5 minutes of crawling, you get this:

A high value, well designed onsite
audit with actionable tweaks.

So what’s happened here?

I’ve walked into the coffee shop, had a look around, seen something remarkable, valuable, easy to acquire and now I’m ready to buy… all within 5 minutes.

going to make that easy for me?


More and more buyers expect to experience a product before parting with cash/talking to sales, I definitely like to get inside and check out a product before signing up and I expect you do too.

(Why is this? Not 100% sure but could be something to do with consumer tech experience increasing expectations for B2B tech)

So just like the strange coffee shop, why not open up and let people have a look?

What did we learn?

What small but valuable part of your product can you break out and offer for free in exchange for an email address?

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