Enterprise free trial

August 31, 2019

started HiConversion, an enterprise mobile eCom optimization platform in 2014, they have since raised $10m with $500k MRR.


This posts explains...

I'm not sure if you've ever been through an enterprise software sales cycle as a customer, but it looks a little like this:

- Have a meeting
- Have a meeting
- Have a call
- Do some paperwork
- Have another meeting
- Pass to legal
- Have one final meeting
- Close the deal

Only then do you start using the software.

You can only imagine the drop off during that process... and the increased churn when customers realize that the software won't actually help them achieve their desired end result.

Which is why
offers a free trial.

They go into big businesses along with their partners and work with them for FREE to show them how they can improve mobile conversion rate.

1. Smoother flow

Instead of having 5 meetings, 2 calls and doing a load of paperwork before any value exchange, this starts happening on day 1.

2. Increased trust

Working with someone on a project towards a specific end goal will build trust over and above any sales process. At the end of a project, the trust built will undoubtedly help with any upcoming sales process.

And #3, which is often overlooked:

3. Increased belief in the customers that they can actually solve their problem

As marketers, we often overlook the fact that our customers may not sign up or buy, simply because they don't believe they can achieve their desired end result.

A free trial literally shows them that they can.

It gets better...

These free trial customers come through strategic partnerships developed through their "mCommerce" community.

Essentially driving their CAC to zero...

And here is the process to sign up as a merchant:

I see no meetings?

What did we learn?

Regardless of your ACV size. You still need to build trust and belief with your customers in order to close.

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