Ep 004 - How Max Altschuler Grew & Sold Sales Hacker

May 19, 2020

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Check this out:

saas content marketing

This is the graph that inspired me to create
you are reading right now.

And so, I just HAD to bring the person responsible for this delightful graph onto the podcast.

His name is
. Max started Sales Hacker back in 2014 and has since grown it to 55k organic sessions and sold it to Outreach back in 2018.

We discuss:

I then go on to share more about the strategy we are taking with SaaS Marketer:

saas content strategy

Anyway, I hope this episode and
helps share what may be possible when creating an independent media asset for your SaaS or B2B business.

Thanks for listening and please share your honest feedback in the form of a rating and review on your favourite podcast listening app ;)

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