Ep 005 - 7 Steps To $1m ARR With Guillaume Moubeche Of lemlist

June 2, 2020

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Check this out:

lemlist arr

What started with a Product Hunt and AppSumo launch and a barebones MVP ended up snowballing into a

Who is responsible? Obviously the whole

I brought Guillaume onto the show to understand lemlist's SaaS marketing playbook:

The discussion brought up seven steps that I think drove the majority of their growth:

Before that interview I also breakdown SaaS Marketer progress in May with a focus on how we broke 10k site sessions in our third month:

saas marketer growth

I share:

I hope lemlist's SaaS marketing playbook and the details on our
strategy will help you in your SaaS growth story.

Thanks and please remember to share your honest feedback in the form of a rating and review on your favourite podcast listening app ;)

And finally, we got included in a list of the top twenty SaaS podcasts... woohoo, check it out

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