Ep 012 - Bootstrapping To $640k MRR With Omar Zenhom of WebinarNinja

October 13, 2020

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$640k bootstrapped.

It's an incredible achievement.

But how?

Well I think Omar and Nicole did many things right... but there are three that really stand out.

Omar and Nicole spent years building the audience of the $100 MBA podcast, I even guest hosted an episode here:

This enabled them to learn about a specific person:

In the process of building the audience Omar would run webinars... this is where he realised that current providers were not sufficient.

When Omar starting running webinars... he realised that the older solutions were both a nightmare to use and very old school.

You had to download desktop applications, spend 15 minutes creating a webinar, connect with other tools and on top of that... they were expensive.

He clearly identified a niche:

And they started building... but only after they presold lifetime access to their early audience.

I talk about this concept in almost every post here... because it's so important!

Omar and Nicole rode the user led growth wave as each person running a webinar would introduce their guests to the WebinarNinja brand. This got the viral loop rolling from day one.

I suspect that without this dynamic, WebinarNinja would not have been able to bootstrap like they did ;)

Anyway... thanks for reading/listening and as always, if you can leave a review for the podcast on

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