Ep 022 - Bitcoin, April Income Report & 2021 Progress

April 13, 2021

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In this episode, Tom shares Fame and bCast's revenue progress. He then dives deep into Fame's (B2B podcast agency) growth strategy, why the business switched their treasury to Bitcoin, how and why they acquired another podcast agency and plans for the rest of 2021.

Was a question asked of me by a business colleague recently...

And it made me think... why do I do it?

But ultimately... I do it, because I can.

There is no investor there to make rules about what we can share and what we can't. So why not?

In this episode of Confessions Of A B2B Marketer I share:

👉 Why we moved our treasury to Bitcoin
👉 What happened when we acquired another podcast agency
👉 Where the new clients came from
👉 Lesson's from this growth you can apply to growing your marketing team

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