Ep 041 - 4 Steps To Become Famous In Any B2B Niche

October 6, 2022

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In this episode, Tom shares the four-step process to becoming famous in any B2B niche...

Here are the steps:

1️⃣ Create a podcast called "The [[NicheName]] Podcast", the 12 most famous people (that you can book) in the niche are the first guests
2️⃣ Link to said podcast in the new spot below your job title on the LinkedIn creator profile
3️⃣ Post daily, zero-click written/audio/video posts challenging current perceptions of the niche
4️⃣ Get booked on all other podcasts in the niche to share what you learn


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if you have any questions!

Episode transcript

The easiest, the simplest way to create content in b2b, along with what I think most people now believe is the easiest way to get distribution for that content in b2b. And so that is podcast and LinkedIn.

Hello? Hello, my name is Tom Hunt and in today's episode we are gonna be talking about, we are gonna be breaking down. The four steps to become famous in any B2B niche. Now, this may also work in b2c, maybe not. I'm not sure because I have pretty much zero experience there. But we are gonna be focusing in on the world of b2b, and I'm gonna lift out four steps.

We've been refining, well, we've been refining one of them at fame for like three years, but the other two we've been kind of dipping our toes into within fame. But I've also been doing this kind of stuff for like 10 years. My background really is like selling things online, and so all of these things I've been kind of doing for the past 10 years, but really in the past three years we've been doing a lot more.

So I'll quickly give you the headlines. Step one is creating a podcast, and it sounds simple, but there's a lot more to it. Step two is that we are then gonna be linking to that pod from your LinkedIn profile of a new part below the headline that allows you to link to something. Then we're gonna be posting zero click content from your profile, and then we're gonna be gang booked on other shows in the next.

Now the headline, obviously, I'm gonna go into much more detail about how they tie together and of course how you actually implement. These things. So what we're really doing here is we're combining what I believe to be, and I think a lot of people are now starting to believe this as well, the easiest, the simplest way to create content in b2b along with what I think most people now believe is the easiest way to get distribution for that content in b2b.

And so that is podcast and LinkedIn and it's podcast. In terms of your own, but also in terms of other people of podcast you can go on. And then when we say LinkedIn, it's posting content natively into the platform in order to get those super cheap impressions with your audience. But before that, before we jump into these footsteps, I need to explain the fame formula, like our whole business would built around this concept.

And really, there's only two things you need to do if you wanna get famous in any niche. And if we take people that are actually famous, like in the b C world, like Taylor Swift, they follow this whole formula as well. The formula is very simple. It's just a, create a lot of really good content over a long period of time.

And then B, be seen around other famous people in the niche. So I love Taylor Swift as an example because she has been creating amazing content. In the form of music for many, many years. She started off in country music, spent like 10 years getting really, really good at doing that. So consistently released really good content, and then she was seen with other famous people in the niche.

So in the early days of her country music career, she would go on other people's other country style songs. Then she would bring other country style onto her songs. And then she shifted into pop music. She shifted into rap music where she's got really good at creating that content and then been seen around other famous people in the niche.

So the exact same thing. Applies to you and your B2B company. A, create a lot of really good content consistently around the niche over time. And then B, be seen around other famous people in that niche. So let's jump now into step one. It sounds simple, but there's obviously a lot more to it. But first that we need to start a podcast.

And the reason we start a podcast is because it is the easiest way. To create good content around your niche, if you've tried to write a like 3000 word blog post, Like versus having a 20 minute episode with a guest on, it's like similar amount of content you create. If you transcribe that 20 minute episode, you'll get close to that, but the amount of time it could take you like two people, like two days to write a blog post versus it's literally gonna take you 20 minutes to record that.

Obviously you have to find the guest and prep the guest, et cetera. But it is just super, super efficient in terms of actually creating content. So that's the first reason. The second reason, if we go back to the fame formula, is that it's very easy to incorporate other people, other people that are famous into the content.

If you are recording a podcast, let's say you wanted to get someone else who's famous in the niche to write you a guest blog post, they're just not gonna do that, right? Unless they're a writer and they love doing it. Cause it literally takes like a day. And so this is why we say podcast for step. Now a few specific points.

So you get this right. A very easy way to do this is simply take the niche that you're trying to get famous in, let's say sales compensation, and then we're gonna create the sales compensation podcast Like that is really as simple as it can be. You can get a little bit more like exciting around that, or you can get a little bit more clever, but really we wanna get the keyword in the name.

So super clear, and plus you collect any like inbound search for that. So we're gonna create this show, and then as we're creating the show, there's like three things that most B2B companies get wrong when they do this, so I'll quickly run through them. First is we want the niche to be comfortably narrow.

So if we have software that helps people, sales compensation, we could obviously start a business show. We could start a sales show. We could start a sales compensation show. To go even more niche than that. I'm not sure that like how you would take that. And so we want to be uncomfortably narrow with the niche.

So sales, compensation, and this example is about right. It's always easy to start more narrow and then get less narrow over time versus the other way around. Next, we need to be strategic about guests, so there's. Typically three criteria we look at for guests. A, and this is the most important, can they add value to the audience?

If people can't add value to the audience, then they can't come on. That's like a hard rule, but the other two are optional. B is, do they have an audience in the niche, eg. Are they famous? So some of that fame can rub up onto us when they share their episode. And then B, could they be a potential customer or partner of our business?

Cause then it's just good to build the relationship with them anyway. And if we can monetize the content on the guest side, then we can improve the content on the listener side and the show's gonna grow faster. So if number two, being strategic about guests. And then three is just consistency. So choose a cadence where you fashion your host, your production team is able to hit that consistently every time for six months.

So whether that's weekly or biweekly, we don't typically advise monthly. So this is step one. Now in this case, if we're trying to just get famous versus like build relationships, then I would urge that the first 12 guests are gonna be people that are famous in the niche, the most famous people in the niche.

So we're gonna go and find the most famous people within the world of sales compensation. So then if step one, and as that happens, fame will start to build for the brand, but then there's gonna be three more steps, which are gonna make this even more. Impactful for the fame of your B2B brand. So step two is very easy one, and this is simply for the hosts.

If they haven't already, it's gonna convert their LinkedIn profile into a creator profile. It's very easy, just Google how to do it. And when you do that, you can click edit on the profile, you scroll down and there's an option to add a website. And so you can add the URL and we're gonna link directly to the podcast, typically a podcast website, not to Apple or Spotify, because you don't wanna alienate people that use different apps.

And then we're gonna say something along the lines of the number one sales compensation pod is quite condensed on, It's quite restrictive on the characters, so, but I think number one, sales comp pod is gonna fit in there. So maybe we're being a little bit ambitious. We've only just launched a show. It might already be the number one sales compensation show.

But we're gonna list that there because it's like obviously social proof. If people think if the number one sales comp pod, anyone interested in sales conversation is gonna click on that link. So we're gonna add convert to creator. Add that link, that step two is a very easy one. Now, step three, we are gonna start to get distribution for your ideas for the podcast.

So there's obviously a lot more into like LinkedIn organic posting strategy, and I'm gonna link below in the show notes to an episode where I dig into this just on its own. So I've been doing this really for like six months and I've actually learned a bit more since the episode. So I'll update you on this as well.

But the headlines are, we need to choose the niche. Now, fortunately, we've already done that. Sales compensation is a niche, the second point. So once we have the niche, we just need to start posting ideas. So anything you. As we go through the process of interviewing these famous people in the niche, we're gonna share in a daily tech slash image slash video post on LinkedIn.

When I say daily, I think Monday to Friday is fine. If we can handle that. Again, it's about being consistent. So if we can't do Monday to Friday, then we're gonna reduce the cadence maybe three times a week, maybe two times a week, but we just wanna be consistent again for the six. So we're gonna be writing, literally just writing out ideas, concepts, controversial ideas, et cetera, that we're learning from these episodes, all that we know from our day to day work or that you know, because you're the expert.

And when I say you, who I'm probably talking to here is gonna be the host of the show. This is the person who we're gonna link to from their LinkedIn profile, where we're gonna link to the podcast and here's the person who's gonna be interviewing these people. So they're gonna be getting the insight. So we literally just need to start posting because then we can start to look at the impressions and the likes and the comments and the shares metrics to understand what format a post is resonating and what topics are resonating.

Now, while we're also doing this, we have to find those other 12 people and more the other influencers in the niche, in this case, sales compensation. And we're gonna be commenting like actual real comments. Try and do like two to three real comments a day. One that's gonna get more visitors back to your.

But two, that's also gonna start building relationships with those people, which is gonna increase the likelihood that you might get on their podcast or they'll come on yours. And no one really knows this for sure, but the LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes people's posts if that person is also commenting on others.

So your post will get more reachy if you comment on other people's posts. Also include relevant hashtags. Don't stuff don't make it obvious, but it does add value. Now, like the way LinkedIn works is that the more people like and comment and share your stuff, obviously the more people will see it. So if you scroll through your newsfeed, you'll often see things like little headlines above items of the newsfeed that say someone you are connected to, liked, or commented on this.

Now, cause I've been doing this for six months, my most impression post is 26,000 impressions. And that post was like stumbling along at one to 2000 impressions, like a few hours after Will was posted. And then LinkedIn as the profile commented on this, because I think I had the B2B hashtag in the post.

And then that post literally shot up. It was getting like 500 to thousand impressions every half an hour. And it immediately, not immediately, but within 24 hours, it was my most impression post because I got the comment from that big profile. So if we have the hashtags and if we're building relationships with people that have big audiences, that increases the likelihood we're gonna get a comment and that's gonna massively increase the likelihood we're gonna get those essentially free impressions.

So LinkedIn ads basically gave me, if we are looking at like, I don't know, $50. Per impression, cpm, that one comment probably gave me 23,000 impressions time there by 50. Not sure if my mass is right, that's 21st. 23 times 50. They basically gave me a thousand dollars when they commented. It's pretty crazy.

So that is important, including hashtags and comment on other people's. Try to make things like for every, they'd be released on the podcast. We're also gonna be writing a post, and then we're gonna be tagging the guests and we are gonna try and make it a little bit edgy. I'll link in the comments to examples of how I've done this.

So let's say we're releasing the show weekly. One of the weekly posts is gonna be directly linking and promoting the podcast. So we're, you can't promote, basically, To get impressions on LinkedIn, you can't really just tell people to go and look at your link. You have to add value in the post or like lead up to the post and then put the link in the comments.

So one per week is gonna be this, but we wanna take the most interesting, edgy, controversial idea from the episode, write about it, and then tag the guest, tag the guest business, and then link in the comments. And I'll give you three example of how I've done this. Here's a, a great way to get more exposure because what we're gonna do once we've posted that post is we DM or email the guest with the link to that post.

That almost guarantees we're gonna get a like in comment cause they're obviously gonna read it if it's about them. Ideally, they'll then go away and post something themselves and link back to the episode as well. So that is step three, posting on LinkedIn. Now, step four. So let quickly summarize. We've started the show.

We've starting to build relationships with these famous people in the sales comp niche. We've added the show, we've added the podcast just below our job title on LinkedIn, and we've started posting video, click content Monday to Friday. Now we wanna leverage all this work we're doing to go and share the ideas, the controversial interest encounter intuitive takes on the world of sales competition in front of other people's audiences.

So what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna find other shows in the sales comp space. Now, if there's not enough, like there might be, I don't know, five in the sales com space, but if you go up one level to sales management, then there'll be more and you can go and pitch ideas for specific sales comp topics on the sales management podcast.

In terms of the finding these, you can go to listen notes.com, search for sales compensation. That should find some shows, but also because you've been interacting with these people, you should know the famous players in the space. Some of them will probably have podcasts. You should have already either bought them onto your show or been commenting with them on LinkedIn, and so it's gonna be very easy for you to send them a quick message to pitch them for you to be a guest on their.

Now when we're pitching, you just need to add three things. First, you need to show them that you've actually listened, so call out something in an episode that you liked. Second, you need to propose a specific topic or topics. And third, you need to be clear about how you're gonna promote their episode.

What we like to do is say that we're gonna spend X amount on Facebook or LinkedIn ads to promote their episode. Cuz podcast hosts really care about two things, getting great content for their audience and then growing their show. So if you can show them that you could give them great content and that you can grow their show.

By spending money to promote it, then you're gonna be much more likely to actually get in and get them to accept you. So you're then gonna go on these pods. Let's say you reach out to 10, you'll get one booked first. You have to chase the rest. You go on, you share, you know what idea they resonating, cuz you've been posting every day on LinkedIn.

You share those hot takes. It's gonna be a great episode. They're gonna love you. You're gonna build the relat. If they haven't already, you can invite them onto your show. You can start commenting on each other's posts on LinkedIn. When the goes live though, they're gonna share, They're gonna attack you.

That's gonna get you more, exposure it to their audience. People will find you, they'll come to your profile. They'll then find your podcast, ideally subscribe. You can then also take that audio, post it on your podcast feed if you would like, and then you can also, one of your posts Monday to Friday can be.

About that episode, you pull out the awesome parts and then you link to that episode on someone else's podcast. That makes them happy cuz you're sharing and promoting them, but you are also given great, more great content about sales comp to your audience. So let's summarize. We've taken a niche. And then we've started creating a shadow load of content about the niche through your own show.

We've made it very easy for people on LinkedIn to find that show. Step two, step three. We've then taken like these awesome ideas, so we are getting from learning from these people in the niche and we're sharing them on the best place, the easiest place to get distribution in the BTB world right now, which has linked.

Then we're leveraging those relationships and those ideas to get booked on other podcasts, and then that fuels the flywheel. It's giving you more ideas, it's giving you more content, it's giving you more exposure. So if we take these four steps and we execute them over six months, what you'll realize though, we are actually doing.

Is executing on that fame formula that I explained at the start, which is A, creating a lot of great content consistently over time. And then B, being seen with other famous people in the niche. And so we are refining the ideas, we're understanding what, like cutting edge, what interesting, what's counterintuitive from all this content creation and interviewing that we're.

And then through every step, pretty much we're being seen around, we are commenting on, we're getting featured by other famous people in the niche. And so this, I believe is the fastest way, six months to get famous in any B2B niche.

So thank you so much for listening to this episode of Confessions that B2B marked her. I've gotta give a quick shout out to Matt Malloy for giving an awesome rating for the show. Go and check out Matt. Search for Matt Mall. On LinkedIn, he's killing. It says M A T T M I L L O. Why he's killing out LinkedIn.

Matt, thanks for the review. If you have any feedback for the show, please go to Apple Podcast, leave a rating or review, and I'll get you a shout out on the show. All of the links I've mentioned for resources from this episode are gonna be linked in the show notes below. And finally, obviously before we finish, we need to give a shout to the most important SaaS company in the world right now is hfs h.

Web master tools are a hundred percent free and you can literally blow up your seo. I mean, maybe I can't say that, but you can literally use their very powerful tools for free. So the most important thing for me is tracking the keywords that we rank for, and also tracking the back links that we get. If we can get more back links, then we're gonna rank for more keywords and it's super important to track.

So Google Hs. Webmaster tools, I'll link to that below. Sign up for. You can, if you basically have the Google Search Console account for your domain, then you can do all those things for free. So basically go and do that out this. Awesome. And finally, of course, thank you for listening.

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