Intercom steal

July 23, 2019

in 2011 to help businesses engage with their customers online.

Since its inception in their local coffee shop, they have grown to over $50m in ARR.



This posts explains…

There are a number of daily
players out there that have been doing this for years, I simply emulated what they are doing whilst adding a unique spin.

I subscribe to all their emails and take inspiration from their headlines, website copy and commercial

I even stole our tagline: “Great artists steal” from Pablo Picasso:

Pure, cold-blooded theft.

Or is it?

Are any ideas truly original or just authentic thoughts influenced by a myriad of sources?

I think it’s the latter, so let’s replace the word “steal” with “take inspiration from”.

With relentless growth targets and a relatively low ACV,

And make
work they did:

Aside from all the standard stuff (being controversial, smooth content upgrades, post specific retargeting),

Alaister Low wrote a piece that received great distribution through Hacker News:

And here is one of
with an almost identical headline:

After reviewing, you can see that
is 100% original and even adds more to the topic than Alaister’s post.

We have stumbled upon an incredibly intelligent

I estimate that all in,
would have invested between $1-3k on the creation of that post… why risk that capital if you’re not confident the topic will resonate?

Just as Pablo said…
didn’t copy, they stole.

And everyone won.

What did we learn?

When building your content strategy, find what works and take inspiration.

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