MakerPad's User Generated Content Marketing Strategy

Word Of Mouth
July 19, 2019

at Product Hunt.

He has since grown the business to over $28k per month in revenue…


User generated content marketing (getting users to create and promote
about your SaaS).

This this posts explains…

When I was around 7 years old…

Our extended family was on holiday in the southwest of England, staying in these cute caravan’s surrounding a field.

I would spend the majority of my time playing football with the other kids in the field, but on this Wednesday morning, it was raining.

So, my brother, sister, and cousins were sitting in our caravan drawing pictures together. I produced a landscape masterpiece that looked a little like this:

Yes, that is a Deer.

(We used to go Deer spotting on this holiday)

The interesting part of this story is not the quality of the artwork. The interesting part is what happened next...

I walked around the caravans containing my family AND all of the other caravans in the park to show them my drawing. I was proud of it, and I wanted them to join me in this feeling.

This is exactly what the users of MakerPad are doing on Twitter:

Once a person creates something they are proud of, they experience a surge of dopamine, making them feel awesome.

(Historically, we would experience this surge of a happy chemical when building a fire or finding some berries, promoting our likelihood of survival)

It’s at this point that we are most likely to head to Twitter and tell our friends about it. And any tools we used along the way to create the thing get

Having your users tell other users about the things they have done/ built with your SaaS is the fastest and most profitable way to grow.

Act accordingly.

What did we learn?

Does your SaaS help people create things? If yes, how can you facilitate the sharing of their creation?

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