Multiple fingers

August 6, 2019


Their revenue is now $70k per month, completely bootstrapped.


This posts explains…

I’m as guilty as the journalists.

Those journalists that go on a big rant about a big scary problem and then give an overly simplistic reason for why it’s happening.

Humans like to understand, or think they understand this complex world. But in reality, simple cause and effect do not exist. Just many cause-effects impacting everything around us all the time.

E.g. check out this system diagram showing stability in Afghanistan:

Which is why that sometimes in these email when I say that X company grew from nothing to $157m in revenue, bootstrapped using this single #saashack… you need to take my words with a pinch of salt.

This email is about multiple strategies.

And more specifically about the multiple
to drive them to $70k MRR.

When growing a SaaS business from nothing, you will need different
for different parts of your journey.

Combining Josh’s and our experience (we’ve now written about 70 SaaS businesses), this seems to be a rationale approach:

What did we learn?

That actually, a combination of strategies will be responsible for your growth, not a silver bullet.

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