Niche focus

June 25, 2019

started Zenmaid (SaaS for cleaning businesses) in 2013 after attempting to start his own cleaning service business.

After working full time whilst building Zenmaid on the side for 2 years, Zenmaid has grown to $42k MRR.


This posts explains...

does not have the resources to take on bigger players in the enterprise software space.

They would lose.

Instead, Zenmaid has chosen a very specific niche: cleaning businesses and have focused on them, ignoring everyone else.

This increased alignment between product <> customer is having multiple benefits:

Cleaning business owners want to get to know each other... to do this, they may search on Facebook and find this:

All Zenmaid's marketing material talk directly to their perfect customer persona: a cleaning business owner.

Amar can build features and create content that other, more generic business management software could not do.

This focus will increase the value cleaning businesses get from their free trial, improving conversion rates.

Check out this lead magnet:

We predict this pop-up converts at over 40%.

Zenmaid is the gold standard in the industry for house cleaning software. This statement is true and sounds incredible.

But becoming the gold standard in a smaller market is not actually that hard of a thing to do...

Reaping the positioning benefits of being #1 in a category, without having to beat large, well-funded competitors.

Why don't more SaaS founders/marketers niche down?

As humans find it hard to understand scale (we evolved in more intimate 150 person tribes), we sometimes get paranoid about the size of the market:

Will there be enough customers for us to serve?

Now, this obviously depends on the size of SaaS that you want to build, if you want to build a billion-dollar company and get funding from top VC's then maybe software for maids won't deliver that.

Though somehow I don't think that's what Amar and Zenmaid are shooting for.

What did we learn?

Your customer acquisition cost, conversion rate, and market positioning will improve with a greater focus on a smaller niche.

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