Notion's Sign Up Form Knows If You're Using Gmail

June 4, 2019

Ivan Zhao started Notion in 2014 with a small seed round from big Silicon Valley investors.

They now have an estimated $5m in annual revenue and VC's cold calling:


This posts explains...

Notion's product quality probably has had little impact on their growth and it is all down to their phenomenal pricing page:

Here's why it works:

Notion's pricing structure is very easy to understand and you don't need to "claim a live demo" to understand how much it will cost your business.

All required information is displayed in a small section of the page:

Notion then lists a grand total of 28 FAQ's, effectively busting common objections a potential customer may have.

And if that isn't enough, you can click a "Chat with us" link to have Intercom pop up to ask any further questions:

Next up we have a gallery of Tweets from influential people in the world of their target persona:

Their sign up form is simply an email address form with the clear CTA: "Try It Free":

This signup form even knows I'm using Gmail so prompts Google Auth immediately:

And guess what?!?!?

There are four of them on the page.

A truly beautiful experience.

What did we learn?

Incorporate the following into your pricing pages:

1. Clean, clear pricing
2. Objection busting FAQ's
3. Social proof
4. Multiple, simple CTA's

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