Part 2: Mailchimp's Inside Joke

September 4, 2019

In Part 1, we discussed why Mailchimp sponsored the murder mystery podcast: Serial.

We also mentioned that one of the pre-roll
's ads featured a mispronunciation of their name: "Mailkimp".

We will never know if Mailchimp purposefully included these mispronunciations... but we do know how they responded.

This posts explains…

Imagine you are about to jump on stage at SaaStr to give a 20-minute keynote presentation on how you grew your SaaS to $10m ARR and the host mispronounces the name of your business.

The first thing you would do would be to correct them... right?

I think that is a fair assumption.

After seeing the #MailKimp hashtag trending after the mispronunciation on their Serial pre-roll ad...
took immediate action.

But not in the way that you would think...

They launched 9 separate brands ranging from fashion labels, snacks and short movies with names similar to theirs:

They then went one step further and created:

Each of these brands had their own microsite, take MaleCrimp for example:

Anyone exposed to this strange new hair style that searches for the keyword would see to a lightly branded MailCrimp site at position 1 and a purpose built landing page on MailChimps's domain that ranks for all 9 brands at position 2:

This landing page goes on to connect the campaign with MailChimp's brand...

"Because we believe the best way to build relationships with customers, fans, or anyone else is to be yourself. For us, that means having some fun with our name."

Here is an explanation of this insane campaign from the creators themselves:

Embrace the joke and run with it...

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