Product girlfriends

June 19, 2019

: marketing automation for local businesses, in December 2016.

They have since generated over $1m of revenue.


This posts explains...

My girlfriend was not happy.

We had spent the weekend away in the countryside... walking the dog, laughing, drinking and eating.

But she was still upset.


Because she didn't know that I liked her.

I mean, I had invested 48 hours of my time and a significant amount of cash into her and this wonderful weekend, yet it wasn't clear that I liked her?!?

I was so close to the feeling and knew it so well that it was obvious to me.

Obvious to me, but not to her. Because I wasn't communicating how I felt in a way she understood.

And this is exactly what could be hurting your conversion on your homepage.


You may not be communicating what you do in a way that your customers understand.

This is your baby, whether you are the founder, CEO or marketer... you know your product better than anyone else in the world.

Check out

And this lovely little diagram:

Qi and the team at Smiley are aware that they know a lot more about marketing automation software than their customers. But they're not trying to blind people with their sophistication.

They have created a diagram that makes it very simple for a local business owner to understand what Smiley does.

Which will no doubt increase time spent on site, the number of pages visited and ultimately conversion.

Now, who wants to build a SaaS to remind my girlfriend that I like her? ;)

What did we learn?

1. Understand that you know more about your product than your customers ever will
2. Work out how to communicate what your product does SIMPLY above the fold on your homepage
3. Tell your partner that you like them

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