Productivity For SaaS Marketers

December 16, 2020

We're here to improve the lives of our customers through marketing software.

Not to learn how to use Pomodoro sessions!

But I would argue that productivity is the ultimate meta skill. If you can get this right, your ability to add value to your audience will compound over time and you will run rings around competing marketers.

Let's get into it...

In most marketing departments, there are two types of work:

"Value creation work" is where the magic happens...

This could be things like:

It is usually hard, mentally intensive solo work.

BAU work on the other hand, can often be done in groups, is less mentally intense, and adds less value:

To boost your productivity, we need to ensure that a chunk of value creation work happens everyday, on autopilot, for years.

Now we know the type of work that needs to be made a priority, we need to understand when we are going to do this work.

For most people, your ability to focus on tasks will decrease throughout the day. Therefore, it's best to schedule in these value creation tasks as early as possible.

Ideally before most people start work.

For me, this is before 9am, as this is when the rest of the team and clients come online... meaning that my ability to focus reduces significantly.

Once you've locked in the time that you know you perform the best and are aware of the type of work you need to improve your marketing, it's time to ritualise this: essentially putting the

Structure everything around these "golden hours".

I have the willpower to do high quality knowledge work for approximately two hours per day.

So I wake up at 6am, run with the dog, shower... make a cafetière of black coffee and then sit down to get these two hours

I try to not have
or Slack open during this time to reduce distraction.

If I get this right, the rest of the day can be focussed on BAU and other less important tasks as I know that long term, these value creation tasks are those that will move our marketing forward.

Explosive SaaS growth and sensational marketing is not built overnight.

You need to understand that these things often occur as a result of small improvements made over a series of years.

You have to declare a whole day as a success if you are able to make a 1% improvement to your:

Because if you are consistent in making these 1% improvements over two years, you will find growth and develop sensational campaigns:

I hope this was valuable for you... trust me, if you get this right, you will set yourself apart from 98% of the other marketers.

Few people really understand this stuff

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