Rewardful Travel Back In Time To Dominate SaaS Referral Programs

Word Of Mouth
May 16, 2019

Brady & Kyle set up Rewardful in 2017 to make affiliate and referral programs simple for SaaS.

They then traveled back in time to catch two of our earlier emails...

9 months after launching, they were powering referral programs for over 700 SaaS businesses.


This posts explains...

It's almost as if Brady and Kyle read these two posts:



And then traveled back in time to the start of 2017 to build

They have combined two previous #saashack's perfectly into their referral marketing SaaS.

1. They really understand what people want and are giving it to them...

In a similar fashion to Webinar Ninja's assault on the Webinar SaaS market, Brady & Kyle are building a better product, at a reduced price for more focussed customer persona (SaaS businesses).

- Better than other options at handling subscription referral revenue
- Starting at $19 per month (others start at $49 per month)
- Just for SaaS and tight integration with Stripe (which powers most SaaS businesses)

They have ripped out features unnecessary for their target market and focused their efforts into building the features that really matter: the ability to track and report on subscription affiliate revenue.

2. They really understand the magic moment for referral partners...

We test every product we write about here at #saashacker... and as we jumped into Rewardful to create an affiliate link for Rewardful, here is the first screen we saw:

Great, really great.

Brady & Kyle know EXACTLY what is going through the mind of a new potential referrer when they are creating their

1. How will I get paid?
2. How much will I get paid?

Once your payout account is locked in, you are then redirected to the homepage of the app:

With both of my core questions answered in the first 10 seconds of creating my affiliate account, I feel very confident.

I head out and spam my link around the internet, driving large amounts of referrals to Rewardful's customer, boosting their revenue.

This revenue is tracked through Rewardful, presenting their customer with a clear ROI on their monthly subscription.

Only so you can experience their product of course ;)

What did we learn?


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