SaaS Site Personalization For $250k MRR

September 9, 2019

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(social proof SaaS) in 2017 to boost conversion on his information course funnel:

They have since scaled to $250k MRR and are now running some pretty interesting personalization experiments on their marketing site.

This posts explains…

We are all unique little snowflakes.

We each have ego's that have evolved over tens of thousands of years that release happy chemicals when we feel important, loved and cared for.

If we didn't, we would not have survived.

The best businesses know this...

Because we like to feel special, especially when browsing SaaS marketing sites.

Look at what
do for people that visit their homepage multiple times... the first time you visit the CTA is "Watch an instant demo":

But the second time visit after you have watched the demo, you are now deemed to be a little warmer and the CTA changes to "Start my free trial":

And once you have started your free trial, the next time you return to the homepage the CTA switches to simply "Login":

Now they are not just personalizing based on who has done what on their site, they are also personalizing based on where people have come from, here is their generic homepage again:

And here is their homepage when your Google Analytics Source suggests you are from the eCommerce industry:

Proof report that by running this headline test (along with others) that they have increased demo registrations by 51% and free trial registrations by 31%.

Due to the insane amount of opportunities to buy things these days, we automatically scan each object to understand if it's relevant.

What did we learn?

Personalization on your homepage based on previous actions and source will boost conversion rates.

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