Salesloft founder closed first $150k revenue

September 12, 2019

(sales development SaaS) in 2011 and initially started by selling a data product to sales people.

They killed that product and doubled down on the
platform that enables sales development reps to sell more effectively and now have $50m in ARR.


This posts explains…

The biggest threat to sales teams is not losing clients...

It's loosing sales people.

When a sales person has qualified leads, knows the process and is closing deals... there is nothing more energizing for a SaaS business.

The person who is an expert at working with an influencing people feels good, and this rubs off on the whole team.

The flip side is that when the sales person has no qualified leads, doesn't have a process and isn't closing deals... there is nothing more destructive for a SaaS business.

And the reason why the average tenure of a sales rep is far lower than any other job role in a SaaS business is because they are often not set up for success.

If a SaaS founder comes from the tech/product/marketing world they are less likely to know how to set up a sales process... and would default to hiring a sales professional to come in and do it for them.

Bad idea.

Which is exactly why
sold the first $150k in revenue for the business.


If he didn't, and
opted to hire a sales person that could define the sales process...

They may not have been here to tell the story.

Unless they found the unicorn sales person who could:

They would have churned through a few completely competent sales people with stagnant revenue before learning the error of their ways.

What did we learn?

If you're a SaaS founder, you need to sell in the first X amount of revenue... and if you're not, you know what to look for in an early stage SaaS business.

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