Sleeknote Slide Their Way To $55k MRR By Revamping Popups

August 31, 2019

, the eCom pop up SaaS business KNOWS how to slide pop-ups...

This Danish startup has grown to $55k MRR as this historically hated lead generation
, experiences a revamp.

But how?

is good at marketing.

- Their design is sweet, see here:

- They bang out awesome guest posts (Google: "Sleeknote Typeform"
- They have a simple, value-based pricing system (all features the same on all plans, scales with site impressions)

They have also managed to build a sizeable audience in a crowded space (eCommerce marketing), though the use of... you guessed it: popups.

But not in the way that you are thinking.

These are no ordinary popups...

Here's why...

1. They are not generic, site-wide popups

Come on, we've all done it...

We look into our
autoresponder stats and see a meager 17 emails added to our list last week

How can we boost this we think.

I know... let's slap on a site-wide pop-up offering a discount, some more information or worst still: an email newsletter.

And yes, we get a little boost in sign-ups, but there's a hidden cost: the rest of your visitors start to f*cking hate you.

only shows this popup on their Blog home and post pages:

As they are aware that visitors on those pages are more likely to have an interest in what they are offering.

2. Their offering is not low value and generic

See here:

You're getting all their best stuff.

They include headlines with real specific titles to get your marketing taste buds tingling.

They also promise future high-value resources.

3. They are not spamming you after with low relevance content

collect your email address AND a single data point that aids their outreach to you and can customize the content they deliver post sign up.

Your open and click rates will be higher if you only receive further
or pitches specific to you as an agency, SaaS product or eCom person.

So right now, I'm going to need you to review your current popup
and make a single change to make them more effective today...

And the result?

$55k of sweet, bootstrapped MRR with 100% (or close) of the shares, still belonging to the founders.

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