Spotify rap

July 29, 2019

(music SaaS) in 2008 with the goal of disrupting the music industry.

They now have approx. 100 million paid subscribers:

Infographic: Spotify Reaches 100 Million Premium Subscribers ; Statista

This post explains…

You’ve given me the greatest gift possible.


The one thing that you can never get back:

I have your permission to reach out in the chance of gaining your attention for a couple of minutes each day.

And I don’t take that privilege lightly. Which is why I sit here each morning at 6:30 am to write these
to you.

If permission leads to attention, what does attention drive?

Permission -> Attention -> Commerce

I know that if I add enough value to you through these emails you may buy something from me or something that I recommend.


Within three months he had grown it to over three million subscribers, then nine million subscribers after three years.

adds a new artist to the 50 tracks refreshed on Friday, they are big by Monday (this happened with Cardi B).

doesn’t need to buy or run ads on a media property (magazine, radio or tv) as they already have the permission and attention of their 217m monthly active users.

They have 9 million people logging into their app each week to review

And of course, they know the right triggers to spark commerce, with free subscribers exposed to ads every 3 songs and limited to just 6 skips.

What did we learn?

Remember: Permission -> Attention -> Commerce

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