Traffic bubble

September 2, 2019

in 2012 to help non-technical people build web apps without code after meeting for one, single coffee.

They now have 100,000 users, $100k in MRR and just 6 employees.


This posts explains…

We all work for Mark Zuckerberg.

Each and every day we produce quality
and send over to Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram for him to monetize for us.

For us?

Well not really, he rewards us with Facebook currency (likes, comments, tags) and gets rewarded himself with real currency (dollars, sterling, euro).

Why do we do this?

Because we are appropriately incentivized.

He’s built some phenomenal software that tantalizes our biological need to feel connected.

And this is exactly what
are doing...

They have built a simple software tool to enable their users to create
for them.

It’s called a forum:

Users go there to create
related to the web apps they are building and get rewarded with likes, comments, and feedback from experts.

This single forum post is
, ranking for 11 keywords:

Pulling in 441 monthly clicks, at $2 CPC that’s $882 per month for doing… well, nothing apart from building a basic forum a few years ago.

This image shows the number of keywords that
ranks for in Google, I estimate that Bubble’s forum launched sometime around here:

21.16% of
total traffic comes from their forum, 11x the amount generated by their blog:

This brings us back to a recurring #saasmarketer theme:

How can we incentivize our users to do more of our growth work?

If you have a SaaS product, you have users talking about how they use your tool…

(And then delete Instagram from your phone ;))

What did we learn?

Find out where your users are talking about your product and then build tools to bring those conversations onto your domain

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