Userpilot Crush The Case Study Game

June 14, 2019

in 2017 to revolutionize the way SaaS companies onboard users.

They wrote 600 lines of demo code and then invited people to pay... they did.

They're now growing at a rapid rate.


This posts explains...

The majority of SaaS case studies are boring after reading the 500-word articles posted organically on social, never to be seen again.

"We worked with X company and they grew their business by 1,700%, here's a quote from Jonny, Head OF Growth at X company: "Yes, we really did grow 1,700% using these widgets, I highly recommend them to anyone that wants to growth 1,700% also".


and give actionable advice showing how they have improved their onboarding metrics.

They start off by giving exposure to their customer:

They talk about their problem and start showing how they succeeded in solving it:

Whilst sharing real learnings.

That's the key... instead of talking about great results and stopping there, Userpilot turns the case study into an actionable blog post.

Userpilot can now go and promote this
just like they would with a new blog post... driving more traffic from browsers that normally would not click on a traditional case study.

also increases the value your business gains from your customers: reducing your marketing budget as they help produce your bottom of the funnel content.

Furthermore, the collaboration on content with customers will build your relationship, leading to greater learning about your customers whilst reducing churn.

What did we learn?

1. Throw away your current case studies
2. Re-write them as actionable how-to guides showing how your customers made a measure-able change in their business

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