Verblio's Revenue Sucking SaaS Pricing Page Drives Them To $260k MRR

May 20, 2019

Steve Pockross joined Verblio as CEO a couple of years ago after the business was founded in 2011.

Since then, Verblio's
marketplace has bootstrapped to $260k MRR, primarily driven by a phenomenal SaaS pricing strategy.


This posts explains...

Verblio's pricing page is really great. It's a slippery slope from consideration to ca$h.

likens their strategy to a Blue Apron verses a Cosco approach. Where they understand the needs of the clients and then customize a solution that increases the likelihood that the customer achieves their goals.

(As opposed to Cosco just offering cheap access to a massive warehouse of things.)

Their basic belief is that the biggest asset in a business is your existing customer base.

Once you have them... how can you extract more cash from them?

and page reflect this belief.

New customers coming to
will inevitably click the second most visited page on any site:

First, they choose the length of content:

Then they choose the number of pieces per month:

They are then up-sold additional complimentary services ranging from SEO optimization, stock photos, and videos:

They can pay for 12 months upfront at a discount:

Verblio then dispels core objections:

Answer the core questions:

And also mop up any larger businesses that need a custom solution:

The beauty though... is that after Verblio delivers a couple of hot pieces on content in record speed, you find yourself frequently heading back to that page from within your account to slide down that slippery slope once again:

What did we learn?

1. Understand your customer enough to know what else they could invest in to help them reach their goals
2. Build a SaaS pricing page that makes it very easy for them to make that investment

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