Dripping value

July 8, 2019

(email marketing automation) in 2012, they now have 000's of customers and have solidified their position in a crowded market.


This posts explains...

Let's get the boring stuff out of the way real quick:

launch and jump to $7k MRR but churn is too big to grow.

Feedback from churning users highlights that there is a gap in the marketing automation market.

They pivoted and took what Infusionsoft/ HubSpot was doing for +$500 per month and delivered that functionality for a fifth of the price.

Priced like Mailchimp, performance like Pardot.

Make sense?

Ok... let's look at something cool.

Head to

You won't see the live chat.

You will see that little popup on the bottom left?

Clicking the link sends you here:

Enter your email address and

I'll leave you to see what happens next...

So what's going on here?

Just like
, two things are happening:

The MAJORITY of people that come to your homepage for the first time are simply trying to understand what you do.

The best way to do this... is to show people.

You will turn away people that would normally waste your sales teams time with and attract those that you can serve.

This psychological trigger says that one someone does something, the more likely they will do another similar thing.

Drip's "Experience" is a very low barrier to entry action to take for new site visitors.

Once they have moved through the process and now have a very good idea about what

If there is a fit, the are much more likely to take that next step.

What did we learn?

We are so close to our product that we don't understand that most new site visitors just want to understand what we do.

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