Ep 010 - Founders Doing Customers Support? With Mike Hawkins

Word Of Mouth
September 15, 2020

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The story starts approximately 18 months ago...

It's a Saturday in May.

And for some reason, I'm not having fun with my friends... I am writing up the next case study for this very community. It's on a SaaS business called Riddle and it's something to do with SaaS customer support.

So of course... I need to check this out.

I head to their site:
, ping open the live chat to ask some stupid test question and BOOM.

Boris (their founder replies). WTF.

I actually end up chatting to both founders through their live chat on that very Saturday. Mike was slightly delayed as he was at a BBQ.

You can read the full report here:

Anyway, this is super interesting - why are these guys on support? How customer obsessed are they?

So I had to bring
onto the podcast to understand more...

We cover all those, and then I also share my top five learnings form doing support with bCast over the past few months post in AppSumo.


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