LiveAgent Leverage Social Proof To $250k MRR

May 17, 2019

David Cacik was the first marketing guy at LiveAgent, the most reviewed and #1 rated help desk software for SMB's.

He joined at $20k MRR... they just hit $250k MRR


This posts explains...

Every person that works on the internet raves about SEO.

And yes, I get it... people looking to solve the problem you can help them with going to Google, find you and give you cash.

That's great.

So great in fact, that this has become an arbitrage opportunity for some other rather profitable SaaS businesses.

These snakes will build a better SEO machine by creating thousands of listing/review pages on their comparison site, will rank higher than you then will reach out to collect their tax.

Some people may get annoyed at that, I don't. I think it's great.

And so does David...

Google: "liveagent", you will see that of the 7 organic results on page 1,
owns 4 of those properties and the remaining 3 are review sites.

And just take a look at that

knew that these review sites were not going away. If you can't beat them...

Don't just join them, make them awesome.

He went on an all-out assault in collaboration with these review sites to overload them with awesome reviews in exchange for Amazon vouchers.

Google loves user-generated content and boosted their rankings.

This also gives David and
a massive database of pure social proof to incorporate on their:


Free trial signup page...

Customer review page...

Everywhere I look I am overrun by people telling me how great

Which probably is true, because they have so many people telling me that they are.

Yes, David...

So what did we learn?

If you can't beat them, make them awesome...


BUY social proof from your customers to boost your exposure on comparison sites, then shout from the rooftops about all your awesome reviews.

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