Revealed: VEED's SaaS SEO Strategy

July 30, 2019

(video editing SaaS) in 2018 after quitting their job and investing all their life savings.

They recently started charging users and have just hit $1,000 MRR.


This posts explains…

No one owns the Internet.

You don’t need to get permission to set up a domain and start innovating. There is no man with a white beard sitting at the top of the Internet setting the rules and making plans.

It is simply a communication protocol that allows two machines to share data.

For example, as you read this email, your email client is communicating with a computer that hosts these words.

Why does this matter?

Because there’s no one stopping you from analyzing these data flows, and taking inspiration from what is working for other people.

Just as VEED did…

to understand where their traffic was coming from…

And found a pattern:

Their competitors were getting the majority of their traffic from search through a specific SaaS

So they did what any bootstrapped founder would…

They found out which keywords were ranking and built 16 high-quality landing pages:

^^ they linked these pages from their homepage to show Google that they matter and to enable easy crawling.

Here is one of the pages =>

They have the focus keyword front and center with clear CTA’s:

They have added the keyword again slightly lower down within a sub headline:

And they have a

And their SaaS
is working…

This single page ranks for 46 keywords including #6 for “trim video online”:

And VEED’s total search presence is at an all time high:

What did we learn?

Find out where your competitors are getting traffic from, and copy

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